Friday, June 16, 2023

The Well-Lived Life by Gladys McGarey, MD


Choosing love in the face of great fear is, in fact, a miracle all on its own. Yet sometimes it creates other types of miracles, too.”

I like thinking of us as puzzle pieces because it gives us each space to be unique… Seeing things this way helps us understand that each of us is essential…”

 Dr. Gladys Taylor McGarey is 102 years old and she knows that healing comes from within, so she connects us to the parts of ourselves that have the power to heal what needs to be healed.

 The Well-Lived Life meets you where you are in your life journey.

 Let me start by saying that The Well-Lived life is not a self-help book. Yet every human being on earth will benefit from her inspiration and wisdom. Dr. Gladys shares her unique conversations with patients, personal experiences and reflections. When she was a child, her parents provided medical care to the people living on the fringes of society in Northern India. Her parents tended to those with leprosy; they reached out to the so-called “untouchables” in India.

 Dr. Gladys inspires us to live life to its fullest potential. Her intelligence and sense of humor are irresistible. She reminds us to keep the juice flowing and to know that change is part of that flow. Now you may wonder what it means to keep the juice flowing… Read the book and find out, because this is one of the crucial aspects of The Well-Lived Life.

 To find the juice and let it flow is the core of a well-lived life, and when we align that flow with our life purpose, synchronicities abound. We truly dance in tandem with the universe.

The Well-Lived life is like the soul of a special friend; there are no words to explain how deeply you connect with such a friend; I will be keeping it handy in case I need reassurance in the future. I will give it as a gift to my loved ones.

The Well-Lived life is a dance, a song, a hug, a smile. It is the light of our consciousness awakening us to our self-realization. It is the voice of our inner wisdom keeping us balanced and resilient amid life challenges.

  Life is dynamic. It flows and heals. It moves and communicates with us in various ways…

When life is truly flowing, what gives us juice evolves alongside us. Sometimes our struggle to get juice is exactly the thing that pushes us to find it somewhere else, such as a master electrician who was devastated when disability forced him into early retirement, only to discover the restorative power of gardening, or a film producer who threw herself fully into volunteering at a local shelter during the early days of the Covid pandemic.”

 Read her book and let your juice flow with the energy of the sun on the brightest summer day.

 Dr. Gladys Taylor McGarey is not only a physician. She is a healer, and the best doctors know that healing comes from within. Dr. Gladys combines allopathic and holistic medicine, adopting an integrative approach that welcomes the patient with love and understanding. I encourage every physician to read this book.

 In her nineties Dr. Gladys was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had surgery and radiotherapy for it. She is now 102 years old and her zest for life has not faltered; the light of her inspiration has not faded. It continues to create ripples across the world.

 Dr. Gladys continues to live each moment to its fullest potential.

 What do you want? What drives your enthusiasm?

  The sparks of her wisdom are transformative in nature. She reminds you to honor your life, and to embrace each moment with an open curious mind.

You are the only one who knows your life purpose.

Nobody else does.