Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Deer Man


"The Universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Eden Phillpotts

Deer are intriguing to me.

I remember being drawn to the fleeting gaze of a deer, perceiving in her gentle eyes the radiance of her friendly nature and intelligence. My curiosity was satisfied by Geoffroy Delorme’s Deer Man, a unique book that surpassed all my expectations and became an all-time favorite.

  During his childhood Geoffroy Delorme had a disappointing experience at school, so the decision was made to homeschool him. This period of his life afforded him the time and space he needed to explore his interests in the natural world.  He devoured books by Dian Fossey, Jane Goodall and other naturalists. He also learned as much as he could about the forests in Normandy, France, where he lived.

 He researched the kinds of foods in the forest that could nourish his body, gleaning information about the rich variety of plants and trees.

Geoffroy bonded with the forest when he was a kid.

 When he was nineteen years old, he decided to immerse himself in those forests, living close to the roe deer. As they foraged for food in the same areas, the deer were very curious about his presence.

What was a human being doing there? The interest was mutual, and their interactions evolved into friendships.

 Geoffroy got to know each deer as a unique individual; complex relationships developed as they cooperated with each other, living side by side for seven years.

 Roe deer have the ability to tell the difference between good and evil, or between those who wish them well and those who wish to do them harm.

 Geoffroy Delorme learned as much as he could from the deer.  He adopted their sleeping habits and gained insights from them about the ways he could support his own nutrition; similarly, Geoffroy was able to guide the deer to safety at times, when hunters tried to attack them. Surviving in the forest was not an easy feat. Winter is harsh, and Geoffroy shares the details on how he was able to endure the season. It is also made harder by the way humans destroy the forests, threatening the sources of food needed to survive and thrive.

Adaptation to the natural environment is a long process that demands patience. Your metabolism changes. Your mind changes. Your reflexes change. Everything changes, but slowly.”

 It was human encroachment what pushed him out of the forest after seven years of living in the forests in France. His need to speak up for the deer and the forest compelled him to write Deer Man.

 The forest brings us food and medicine. Without it, our landscapes would be nothing but desolation, and life would be reduced to the most total silence. It is the forest that purifies the atmosphere and allows us to breathe the oxygen indispensable to all living creatures”.

 The experience of living side by side with his deer friends taught him a lot about himself, and he dedicated this book to Chevy:

 “To Chevy, my best friend.

You taught me to live, to feel, to love,

To believe that everything was possible,

And to become myself.”


 I cried many times with Deer Man and I’m sure other readers cried too. This book warms the heart and educates the mind. Inspiring and mesmerizing, Deer Man will hopefully instill in peoples’ consciousness the wisdom to guide themselves toward respectful empathic choices, to genuinely honor life through their own humane behaviors. Jane Goodall makes it clear in one line: “Read this book and enter into another world.”

 You can learn more about Geoffroy Delorme’s forest experiences by checking this fascinating conversation at the Greystone Books site.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Healing Comes from Within


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

Lao Tzu

 Every day is an invitation to make choices that help us grow; every day is an opportunity to be kind to ourselves and to others.

 Today’s post is about healing.

 Among other medical conditions, Isabelle Adolfsson had malignant melanoma for which she required two surgeries. She received excellent medical care to treat her condition, but healing is not limited to the effects of a medical treatment.

  Healing comes from within. It comes from us being in a good place, doing what we feel is right for us. It comes from us leading a life that feels in tune with our heart and soul.

  Her book Healing Comes from Within reveals the details of her spiritual journey as she navigated various life challenges.

  Due to a condition called alopecia universalis, Isabelle lost all her hair over time. Her grace and wisdom through the situations she had to encounter make the read engrossing. Her own story becomes a spiritual sanctuary to ponder upon one’s own life story.

  Her spiritual memoir is written in the form of a journal, and it can be compared to a precious delicate quilt whose patches assemble to form a beautiful composite. I believe the gems of her wisdom stem from her love for life, Nature and people. 

 From her experiences she built physical, mental and spiritual resilience, the core themes of her memoir. Isabelle has a lot to be thankful for; celebrating the bright side of her journey inspires her to move forward with hope.

Isabelle has a rich spiritual life, but what is spirituality?

Spirituality is love,

Spirituality is knowing that we all come from the same source,

Spirituality comes from within,

It comes from your soul,

It comes from the heart,

Spirituality comes from knowing that

We are all one.

 The aura of her spiritual memoir swathes the soul of the reader. It is the warmth that the concept of love offers. Love means respecting boundaries and understanding others. Love is being genuinely happy for others’ happiness. The concept of “mudita” comes to my mind as I type these words. “Mudita” in Sanskrit means finding joy in the happiness of others… I wrote about this word when I published my post on loving-kindness, a few years ago. Strangely enough, there is no word in the English language for the word "mudita"… why? 

 When you feel true happiness for others, your own happiness increases. When that happens, your own personal growth accelerates.” Richard Belton


Here's a reflection from Healing Comes from Within:

 By accepting people for who they are you are setting them free to lead their life. You give them a chance to walk their path. This is the most beautiful thing we can do for another human being. This is the gift of love.

   Her reflection brought to my mind some situations from my past that taught me a lot about self-respect and the importance of standing my ground. If somebody who calls himself or herself your “friend” does not respect your boundaries by  humiliating you in various ways for your life choices, you can conclude  that that person is not your genuine friend, even when you have tried to focus on the goodness in that person. It is an act of kindness toward yourself to let go of that relationship. In doing so, you are not only supporting your emotional and physical health, but also the health of your loved ones.

Setting boundaries is an act of kindness.

 I was intrigued to learn that Isabelle has a twin sister--I’ve always found twins fascinating—and I thought she was going to share more about their relationship.

 Isabelle’s spiritual memoir empowers you to follow your inner wisdom; it encourages you to align your purpose with something greater than yourself.

 There are some gentle meditation exercises to find comfort and peace within yourself.

 Everybody needs to cultivate inner peace to face life challenges. Amid the chaos of the world, balance and inner peace are essential to maintain the focus on our intention.

 Do I agree with everything Isabelle expresses? No, I don’t, but I don’t need to agree on every statement to enjoy a book.

  We will always have disagreements in life, but I think it is crucial to disagree from a place of love, tolerance and cooperation; this book will inspire you to do that.


 Courage is to walk your path,

Courage is to do what you feel is right in your heart and soul.

Courage is to stand up for yourself

Even when questioned.


I thank the author for sharing her spiritual memoir with me for My Writing Life blog. Isabelle lives in Gothenburg, Sweden.

   I am honored to receive emails by authors from all over the world. I cannot answer every single email or read every book I am offered, but I do feel thankful for each and very reader who cares to reach out.

 Books connect people in meaningful ways.

 I will conclude this post with Isabelle’s words:

 This is what life is about: to love, to live, to understand that all of us are part of everything together. We all play our part in this beautiful dance. We all have our choices to make in order to participate in creating a better world.

 Today I received a devastating report from Amnesty International explaining that Russian forces are separating Ukrainian children from their families:

Amnesty investigations have uncovered devastating tactics by Russian forces that likely amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. In occupied areas of Ukraine, Russian forces have been forcibly transporting civilians to Russia or Russian-occupied territories using torture and other ill-treatment:

·  Civilians are forced through an invasive screening process called ‘filtration,’ meaning they’re subjected to torture, arbitrary detention, and other ill-treatment, including being beaten, electroshocked and threatened with execution: That constitutes war crimes of unlawful confinement, torture and inhuman treatment.

·  Children are being separated from their families after forcible transfer: That’s a violation of international humanitarian law.

·  Older people and people with disabilities appear to have been placed in institutions in Russia or Russian-occupied areas, making it difficult for them to leave Russia or to reunite with family members: That’s a violation of their human rights.

We’re hearing devastating stories from children as young as 11, including one boy who told us:

“They took my mom to another tent. She was being questioned… They told me I was going to be taken away from my mom… I was shocked... They didn’t say anything about where my mom was going. A lady from Novoazovsk [child protection] service said maybe my mom would be let go… I didn’t get to see my mom... I have not heard from her since.”

How can anybody support a dictator like Vladimir Putin? Shame on his “friends” and supporters across the world. They have a lot of soul searching to do.

 My heart is with these children and their families. My heart is with the people suffering the horrendous consequences of Putin's cruel, inexcusable invasion of Ukraine. I also think of the courage and kindness of those who volunteered to fight for the freedom of Ukraine. 

 I hope these Ukrainian children and their families will get all the help they can get, and I hope the world stops empowering toxic men like Vladimir Putin.