Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alternatives to Duotrope

   As you know, Duotrope is no longer a free service. It started charging writers this month. For this reason, I decided to put together a number of free websites and resources that will help writers find the right market for their work. It is important to make clear that I don't belong to any of these organizations and I don't get paid to provide this list.



Patsy Collins's blog is an excellent resource. She posts announcements of free literary contests on a regular basis.

A website with free poetry contests

Poets and Writers
I sometimes used this one as a supplement to duotrope. If you go to Barnes&Noble, you can also check their print magazine. It has useful advice for writers.

You need to register to have full access to its services. I don't like the way the website is laid out, so I didn't explore it thoroughly. However, I know it has a system that allows you to track your submissions. You can also network with other writers and take part in forums.

First Writer
 Easy to navigate, First Writer is an excellent resource for writers

 After creating an account the site allows you to keep track of your submissions and to access the stats of the different magazines.


  1. This will be very helpful in the future. Hopefully. ;)

  2. I'm still very bummed about Duotrope. I haven't found a total replacement yet. Authoradvance seems to have a lot more resources for novel writing than short stories. Writer's Planner has a good list of markets, but lacks the market information, so each requires a lot of research. But I do like the expansive list. Thanks for the links!

    1. Thanks for your comment. New Pages is my favorite one for now...

  3. Thanks for the list.

    Here's a couple of new sites that plan to become new Duotropes. I have no connection with either of them.

    Submission Grinder:




  4. VERY useful. Thanks, Julia!!

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  6. Hi Julia .. your links look very good and safe - and I've saved the page to have a closer look at each of the websites .. thanks for them - cheers Hilary

  7. Thanks for the links! I hope they turn out to be useful.


  8. As a poet, I am very sad over the state of Duotrope. I wish they would have priced it differently. $50 a year is just incredibly high for a list of token or non-paying markets. Thanks for the alternatives. I've been checking out New Pages too.

  9. Thanks for the list.

  10. There's an indiegogo for a new submission tracker: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/submittrs

  11. There's free equivalent to duotrope at http://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/
    It may not be as polished as duotrope is but it's free, it has lots of markets listed and it's growing daily. You can also track your submissions. You may want to have a look at it.

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