Sunday, April 21, 2013

To the Arctic

  "As mothers, the greatest gift we can pass on to our children is a healthy planet."

   Would you like to swim underwater close to polar bears?  Would you enjoy flying over the ocean? How about floating near huge masses of ice?  If you've been to an IMAX theater you know what I am talking about.
  "To the Arctic" is a captivating documentary about the Arctic. During the mid winter months the sun never rises in the Arctic and average temperatures are around -40 F; in the summer the sun never sets.
   Polar bears are mysterious, intriguing creatures. The Arctic is their home and there is no other place on earth where they can live and thrive.
   This white universe, the Arctic, is warming twice as fast as any other region of the planet. If the sea ice continues to melt at the current speed there will be no sea ice by the year 2,050.

  Due to these changes, polar bears are struggling to survive and new challenges arise. It is getting hard for them to catch seals, and some male polar bears resort to cubs (baby polar bears) as a source of food.
  Mother polar bears take two years to raise their cubs. During this time they nurture them and train them to become independent. These mothers are determined to protect their cubs from the hungry male polar bears, and they do so at the expense of their own lives. They are ready to sacrifice themselves to protect their offspring.
 There is a scene in which a mother deters a male bear from catching her offspring. Her courage and tenacity win the battle.
  Let's hope this motherly love will inspire mankind to save the Arctic...

Have a peaceful week.


  1. I love the IMAX experience!!

    Oh I do hope we humans take more responsibility about how we use and abuse this fragile and gorgeous planet of ours!

    Take care

    1. Thanks, Old Kitty. I am convinced that we can all do something. No effort is too small. We all have an impact...and we can make it positive.

  2. So many things in this world are being destroyed on a daily basis it makes my mind boggle.
    It's the next few generations that will suffer the most. They will not see wildlife as we see it today, the air will not be as fresh and the list is endless. I can only do so much as an individual to play my part but if we all pull together we just might make it last a little longer.

    1. I agree. Thanks for commenting on my blog. As you say, I hope we can pull together.

  3. You have and interesting blog.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on the post.
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    1. Thanks, Manzanita. I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. This post made my morning!! I strongly believe that it's not too late to make a difference and save the arctic! I really want to see this documentary.

    1. You will love it, Keith. I like the quote you chose. "We didn't inherit the earth; we owe it to our future generations."

  5. Hi Julia .. I imagine anything Meryl Streep puts her name to .. will be of good value.

    You're right "the earth is borrowed from our children" - it's a great thought isn't it .. we really do need to protect it though .. Hilary

    1. Exactly. We borrow it from our children, so we need to protect it. It does not belong to us. Thanks for commenting, Hilary.

  6. Hi Julia,

    We do indeed have to get back in tune with the balance of nature. We have seen the worrying signs. And the plight of the magnificent polar bear is another indication of that we need to change, before its too late for the Arctic and other parts of our fragile planet. I'm going to check out that documentary, my friend.

    In peace and hope,


    1. Thanks, Gary. If you see it, let me know what you think about it. Say hi to Penny.

  7. Hi Julia. I love these IMAX documentaries. They're always so beautiful - and this sounds like another not to be missed. Thanks for the tip!

    1. You are welcome, Kimberly. I'd love to hear your opinion on it. I am off to check your blog.

  8. Love the pictures, Julia. The documentary sounds wonderful.

  9. Looks like a wonderful and important documentary, Julia. That there may be no sea ice in the Artic by the year 2050 is a scary thought! I admire the courage and tenacity of the polar bears, especially the mother bears, struggling to survive. As caretakers of planet Earth, we need to help these magnificent animals where we can. We all need to be aware of our environment and what will be passed on to future generations. Beautiful photo of the mother bear and cubs. Yes, let’s hope this example of motherly love will be an inspiration!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Jersey. I'm glad you are sharing your inspiring thoughts here. I always appreciate your comments.

  10. It's terrible that things are going so badly in the eco-system that a species would turn to cannibalism in hope of surviving...

    1. Good point, Misha. Something to think about. Thanks!


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