Monday, May 27, 2024

The Cultural Lives of Whales and Dolphins by Hal Whitehead and Luke Rendell


On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.” Douglas Adams

  The authors of The Cultural Lives of Whales and Dolphins are scientists who spent several years researching dolphins and whales. Do not expect anything mystical or poetical about this book. It delves into the cultures of dolphins and whales through an objective exploration of their lifestyles.

  The introduction scrutinizes the meaning of culture, illuminating the concept from a variety of accepted human perspectives. The detailed account of what culture means to different people made me meditate on the impact of human cultures on the planet. The first part of the book also focuses on the significance and meaning of community and social learning. The analysis of these topics prepares the terrain to learn about whales and dolphins in subsequent chapters.

   The facts shared by these scientists opened my eyes to the incredible diversity of dolphins and whales, not only in numbers of species but also in the cultural diversity that exists within each species.

    If you have a special interest in dolphins, I highly recommend Voices in the Ocean by Susan Casey, which I reviewed nine years ago on My Writing Life blog. Unlike Voices in the Ocean, The Cultural Lives of Whales and Dolphins does not focus so much on anecdotes, but there are a few of them that I enjoyed reading. As you probably know, there have been many cases of dolphins and whales helping or rescuing humans in life-threatening situations. The authors share a few examples.

  There is the story of a sailor who fell overboard in rough seas during a sailing race in the Caribbean. The racing boats had to stop the race, but they were unable to spot the sailor. A group of dolphins approached the man, providing company and relief.

 “At about the same time one of the search boats noticed dolphins approaching and then moving off in a particular direction. They did this several times. The sailors on the search boat wondered whether it was some kind of signal and followed. They soon found the swimmer and his dolphin companions.”

  Some experts may argue that the actions of those dolphins were a result of their curiosity. However, empathy and life-saving actions toward non-human beings have also been witnessed and documented. “On March 12, 2008, Moko, a bottlenose dolphin, guided a mother-calf pair of pygmy sperm whales out of an intricate set of sandbars off the coast of New Zealand where they seemed hopelessly disoriented and trapped—rescue workers were considering euthanasia after the pair stranded themselves four times.” Thankfully, the bottlenose dolphin worked to rescue the whales. It was also thrilling to learn about a seal who was saved by a humpback whale when she was escaping from the predatory attack of a killer whale.

  It is important to remember that social learning happens not only within the communities of a specific species, but also among different animals. The study of the behaviors and interactions between species can also lead to a new understanding of actions consistent with cooperation and survival in the natural world. I have explored these concepts previously when I wrote about the book Sweet in Tooth and Claw. They are also discussed in the book by Suzanne Simard: Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest.

    Researching the behaviors of different animals is also a gateway to fathom various aspects of human nature. This is what happened to Frans de Waal, who published a book in 1982 about the behaviors of a chimpanzee community housed in seminatural conditions at Arnhem Zoo in the Netherlands. “He provocatively titled the book Chimpanzee Politics because he saw direct parallels between the power struggles and social maneuvering among the chimpanzees in the zoo and the behavior displayed by politicians all around the world.”

   Let’s keep learning about dolphins and whales and about other non-human beings who share the Earth with us.

  I am offering some supplementary links to inspire you to support whales and dolphins and the people who work to protect them:


An interview with Dr. Lori Marino:


 Photo by Talia Cohen; source: Unsplash

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Songs of the Humpback Whale by Jodi Picoult


“You can take dead trees in an orchard, and bring them back to life.”

  I thought this novel would be about humpback whales, but humpback whales do not take center stage here. After having a strong argument with her spouse, Jane Jones packed up and left California with her fourteen-year-old daughter, to drive across America and reach Massachusetts. The odyssey was made even more incredible by Jane’s poor sense of direction. Her brother, Joley, helped guide her through letters.

  Bear in mind the story took place in 1990, when GPS devices were not common. Her brother, Joley, knew how to make the journey more exciting for her while she escaped from her concerned husband, Oliver Jones, a famous researcher with a passion for studying the singing of humpback whales. As you may know, it is hard to put Jodi Picoult’s books down.  

 What hooked me to this peculiar story straight away was the bond between Joley and Jane. Her brother’s genuine interest in helping her, their loyal relationship and the mysterious adventure Jane embarked upon piqued my curiosity. To make the read even more lively, Jodi Picoult unfolds the secrets of each character slowly, enhancing the motivation to learn about their personalities and life trials as we embrace the uncertainty of Jane’s journey throughout the landscapes of America.

 The novel has a dash of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and a dash of Romeo and Juliet. There are alternating chapters written from the points of view of different characters, a literary strategy that has the potential to elicit empathy in the readers.

   Jodi Picoult’s books are addictive. This one is not an exception.

    While wondering whether Oliver would find them, I enjoyed reading about the relationship between Rebecca and Jane as they roved the roads and highways of America, discovering places that I will probably never visit myself. I liked how the suspense of the story soars, even though I was a bit irked by the lack of chronological order… Rebecca’s narrative starts from the end, whereas the other characters’ narratives are presented in chronological order.

  I appreciated the bond between mother and daughter. Sometimes I was struck by the special moments they shared, conversations that seemed to promise new dimensions of understanding between mother and daughter. Therefore, I was disconcerted and disappointed by Jane’s unexpected reaction to Rebecca’s love interest while they spent time in Massachusetts. When Rebecca fell in love, Jane behaved in an irrational, selfish way that was not consistent with the way she normally interacted with her daughter. I did not expect that sort of response from Jane. It was puzzling to me. It made me pause and reflect. I wondered if Jane would have behaved differently if Rebecca had been a teenage boy. The adverse situation led to a tragedy that could have been avoided. I did not like that a young person died in this novel. The dramatic outcome could have been fleshed out more. I still have questions about it.

  Jodi Picoult’s interest in family relationships becomes clear in her novels, and is one of the reasons why I enjoy reading her books.

 Like the male character who researched wolves in Jodi Picoult’s Lone Wolf, Oliver Jones had neglected his family and had also been unfaithful to his wife a few times, but Jane’s escape appeared to be life transforming for him: Oliver is ready to change because he loves his wife and does not want to lose her. At least this is the hint Picoult offers the readers. On the other hand, his own attitude toward his previous infidelities is not something that ignites remorse in him. He seems to accept his past infidelities as a normal part of his cultural landscape.  

 Oliver Jones was passionate about his research, just like the wolf lover in Lone Wolf, but what about Jane Jones? She was a speech pathologist, but I did not get a deep sense of her love for her career. How did she feel about her career and hobbies? Jodi Picoult could have dug deeper into this aspect of her as a human being. Are women not expected to devote time and motivation to their own passions? Or do they need to follow the motions of the novel to satisfy the plot? Hence, I would not describe this novel as a journey of self-discovery because there are important branches from Jane’s personal tree of life that appear to be missing here. Is a woman’s identity only defined by her family relationships?

  I don’t think so.

   With poetical language Jodi Picoult throws us into the world of her characters, imbuing situations with vibrant sensations, displaying vivid settings and painting memorable experiences. This novel conveys the expression of different forms of love and how relationships change over time. Picoult uses humor to dilute the tension, but she also reveals pain and the simplicity of everyday life while weaving into it intrigue and mystery, twists and surprises about the characters and their intimate experiences. There is a lot I would like to write about here, but I will refrain from doing so lest I spoil the story for my audience. Go ahead and enjoy this one. I can’t wait to read more of Jodi Picoult’s books!

  I would like to add a special comment for Jodi Picoult here. Dear Jodi Picoult, please avoid using the word “pig” as an insult in your characters’ conversations. Pigs are compassionate, complex, intelligent beings who deserve to be treated better. Thank you.

 Songs of the Humpback Whale made me muse and reflect on the future of the  characters. It is a good choice for a book club. I don’t belong to any book club myself, but I know this novel may spark controversy and fiery arguments and discussions. It is what thought-provoking books do, so let’s keep the waters of literature flowing. Enjoy the stream of reflections and emotions that can well up from Picoult’s novel. Let the bumpy ride make you uncomfortable. Good literature does that.

  I wrote about two other books by Jodi Picoult:

The Storyteller

Lone Wolf


Here’s an interesting article on relationships between siblings:


Saturday, May 4, 2024

White Torture: Interviews with Iranian Women Prisoners by Narges Mohammadi


  White Torture is a book that should be read by university students across the world. I am humbled by the courage and resilience of Narges Mohammadi and other women in Iran who resist the oppression and abuse of the Iranian government. When Narges Mohammadi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2023, I thought that the international community would be more determined to support these women. However, the torture and executions of innocent women by the Iranian government continue to run unabated.  Narges Mohammadi provides details of the gender apartheid in Iran in a recent letter she wrote to Antonio Guterres, urging the United Nations to declare gender apartheid a crime against humanity and demanding action against it.

 I could not find any response from Antonio Guterres.

 White Torture contains interviews with highly educated Iranian women who are in jail due to false, ludicrous accusations or for merely disagreeing with an authoritarian government that treats women as inferior beings. Practicing a religion that is different from the one imposed by the government is also a reason for imprisonment and torture.  Reading about the ways these valiant women were separated from their children was heartbreaking.

  I could not find Narges Mohammadi’s book at the library, so I purchased the book myself, in solidarity with these amazing women. I will be donating it to one of the little libraries in my town and I encourage you to do the same. It is necessary to support the voices of these women whose lives have been suppressed by an authoritarian regime that trashes democratic principles and gender equality.

  I am impressed by these women’s boldness and clarity of mind despite the trauma. The way they analyze their social context and navigate situations with dignity and integrity shakes the heart and strengthens the spirit in ways that are difficult to describe. (It was a very emotional experience to read the book, and it also confirmed previous statements I made in my blog…) I was not exaggerating when I said that misogyny is legal in some countries. It is not uncommon for dissidents to be jailed and tortured in Iran. A woman who faced various threats and insults by an interrogator shares an anecdote. After blowing his nose on a paper towel, her interrogator said, “Women are like this paper towel. They are to be used and then thrown away.”

    Narges Mohammadi said, “What keeps me on my feet in this prison, while my body is bruised and wounded, is my love for the honorable, but tormented, people of this country, and my ideals of justice and freedom. To honor the innocent people’s blood shed atrociously, I pledge to speak the truth, defy tyranny, and defend the oppressed and my last breath.”

 Narges Mohammadi was not allowed to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in- person because she is in prison, and we don’t know what her medical condition is now. Her family does not know if they will ever see her again.

  The only ones protesting to support these women are in Iran, and these brave people are jailed and executed for doing so. Where is the solidarity with them?

  Narges has always been an activist for human rights and democracy in Iran. She was born on April 21, 1972 in the city of Zanjan in a middle-class family. She studied physics at the International Imam Khomeini University in Qazvin. After graduating she worked as a professional engineer with the Iran Engineering Inspection Corporation. While working as an engineer she wrote articles for newspapers and magazines in which she expressed her concerns regarding gender equality and democracy in Iran. Working as an engineer and writing these articles, however, became untenable under the repressive system of the Islamic Republic. In 2009 Narges was dismissed from her position with the Engineering Inspection Corporation. In 2010 she was summoned to court for being a member of the Defenders of Human Rights Center. She was later released on bail (50,000 $), but was rearrested several times after that. While in Evin Prison her health declined.

  The book has an introduction by Shannon Woodcock which gives a relevant account of the Islamic regime, “The Islamic regime has used legislation and physical coercion to create a society in which women and ethnic and religious minorities have restricted rights of movement, education and employment. Those who protest are flogged, imprisoned and executed. The Iranian state targets and persecutes families across generations, threatening to incarcerate and torture political prisoners’ children--and sometimes doing so—to further push families into total socio-economic exclusion and isolation.”

  Interestingly, her explanations provide insight into a situation that extends beyond the borders of Iran, “White torture unveils how the Islamic Republic of Iran demands the total annihilation of a belief in justice, and how it tortures women for advocating human rights, for their religion or, in cases like Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s, in order to pressure other states to negotiate with Iran. From its very beginning, the Islamic regime has taken hostages in order to exert pressure on the prisoner’s family and community and to terrorize society into submission. These testimonies show that white torture inflicts deep wounds, but also that it cannot achieve what the regime intends. The Islamic regime cannot separate a woman from her love for her family, her fellow citizens, or her God. This book introduces us to a group of women who clearly speak with all their senses and their soul; they are the antidote to white torture: they build strength, solidarity and love.”


   Nayereh Tohidi highlights the essence of Narges’s strengths as a role model. Her intentions are summarized well in these words, “In her own way, Narges is part of the growing counterculture in Iran that stands against the violent and ascetic culture preached by fanatic Islamist extremists. She advocates for a life affirming culture that embraces the pursuit of happiness, liberty and equality. Unlike the religious extremists among the current rulers of Iran who sacralize ascetism or hypocritically pretend in public to be ascetic, pious and strict ‘men of god’, but behave immorally in private, Narges is among those who believe we should honestly and openly promote beauty, happiness, non-violence and joy.”

  The book reveals the experiences of women who stand up against injustice and gender inequality in Iran. With deep introspection the women in this book share some of their unique responses to despair, their zest to cultivate resilience during their incarceration, to resist when loneliness and isolation permeate every aspect of their existence. Cruelty is used to humiliate and demoralize them. I was speechless at their determination and grace, and I wish with all my heart that freedom and justice will prevail in their lives. Yet the basic question in my mind is, will they survive?

    The book is the starting point to learn more about their struggle. I read the letter Narges Mohammadi wrote to Antonio Guterres, urging the United Nations to consider gender apartheid a crime against humanity. In her own words, “the government of Iran uses religion as a cloak for despotism and authoritarian rule.” It helps them to oppress citizens. I want to share some of the important points of her letter about gender apartheid in Iran:

1)     Not adhering to the religious hijab laws in Iran will result in up to 74 lashes for a woman and these punishments will be further intensified with the approval of the Chastity and Veil Bill.

2)     Obtaining a passport and traveling abroad requires the legal guardian’s permission, which is exclusively in the hands of fathers for daughters, and husbands for wives.

3)     Women in Iran are denied the right to study in certain university fields, such as aerospace engineering.

4)     Testimony and witness accounts of men in Iranian courts are considered equal to those of two women.

5)     The blood money (diyah) and inheritance for women are half that of men.

6)     In Iran men are allowed to have simultaneous marriages with up to four wives. This number is significantly higher for engaging in temporary marriages known as “Sigheh”. Meanwhile the punishment for a married woman having a relationship with another man is execution.

7)     Men in Iran with legal support can easily divorce their wives if they face issues like blindness in both eyes. However, women do not have such a right.

8)     Enrollment in specialized medical courses and dental assistantship for women in Iran is only possible with the consent of their husbands.

9)     The rate of femicides, especially the ones attributed to honor killings, are on the rise in Iran. During the year 2023 21 percent of the honor killings were against women under the age of 18.

You can read more details about gender apartheid in Iran by clicking on this link.

 The Iranian regime is not only oppressing women. It oppresses men as well, so those who blatantly disregard this issue because they think it is only a problem that pertains to women, should pay attention and understand that authoritarian regimes affect people of all genders. Again, White Torture can be a useful resource to introduce the subject, and university professors should be the first ones to read it. The Iranian regime is a theocracy with clear features of fascism, and the ways it treats those who dissent reminds me of the way Vladimir Putin treats its own people in Russia. These countries, along with China, align to delegitimize Western democracies across the world.

  The ideology of Hamas aligns with the ideology of the government of Iran. The goal of attacking Israel on October 7 was to cause a genocide of Jewish people but also to expand their ideology into Israel. Like Iran, Hamas does not believe in democratic principles. They do not support gender equality.  Their goal is to destroy Israel and annihilate Jews. I hope that Hamas will release the hostages and surrender to peaceful negotiations. Terrorism has never accomplished anything. Terrorism triggers wars and empowers extremist rulers.

  Mother’s Day is coming up. I will be thinking of Narges Mohammadi and her family. I will be thinking of every woman and man in similar situations. I will be reflecting on the suffering caused by an ideology of violence that wants to impose the idea that terrorism, vandalism and authoritarian regimes are the solution to current problems. They are not. I will be reflecting on the need to educate children for peace and against hate, and about the pain of mothers who lost their children in wars, and about those who lost their mothers. I will be thinking of the hostages in Gaza…

My Writing Life blog stands up against hate of any kind, supports democratic principles and the freedom to read books.

Thank you for visiting My Writing Life blog: awareness, reflection, inspiration.

Here’s a list of supplementary links:



Addendum to the post: I invite you to sign this petition by PEN America asking the Iranian Government to set her free. Thank you so much for taking the time to sign it: